Now Available:

Snippets of Truth
12 original songs from the pen of Jim Ryan
Comments on Jim Ryan's live performance and recordings:
"tremendous songwriter; made my list of top 10 songwriters" also "you play rhythm guitar like John Lennon"
J.P. Cormier; (2014)
“... to just sit there and listen to Jim’s brilliant use of words to portray a visual or emotional response ... with the thread of music stitching every story together ... like poetry, the economics of words is vital ... a slight glimpse into the heart and soul of Jim”
Sunny Tait reflecting on a night of singing in Nova Scotia (2014)
“You were terrific”
Les Cook; Queen’s Bakery, Blyth (2013)
“Really enjoyed your tunes ... especially the Train Song and the Bluegrass one ... you’ve got the makings of a good project there ... let me know, I’d love to produce it!”
James Gordon in response to a demo CD of mine (2013)
“Jim - I did get to listen. I got all the way thru it and that is better than 90% of what gets handed to me, you have some decent songs and that’s the most important part. Reminded me of Townes Van Zandt a little, nice and relaxed.
Gurf Morlix; producer for Lucinda Williams, Mary Gauthier and more in response to a demo CD of mine (2013)
“The opening act of Jim plus Sue was once again, great! Jim gave me a CD of his that I listened to all the way home (2 ½ times thru).
Wendell Ferguson to Kinkora House Concert host Marina Pinder (2012)
“Jim liked EmmyLou Harris, Hank Sr., George Jones, Patsy Cline etc. He actually had an encyclopaedic knowledge of country music radio of the previous 20 years. On our very last gig (January 1986 ?), we played a matinee and then an extended evening show; we played 95 tunes and never repeated one (except ‘Crystal Chandeliers’, and that was a request). So, I guess you could say that was quite an education for me.
Oliver Schroer reflecting on his Traverston Band days on his website
(circa 2000)

.Jim Ryan is a lifelong musician who has sustained a hobby as an educator and school administrator for over thirty years, remarkable focus for someone who would now be labelled as ADHD.
Multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, performer and organizer, Jim has been an integral part of a number of bands over the past forty years including country, bluegrass, R&B, R&R and everything in between. Throughout this time, there were lots of duo and trio performances where Jim’s wife Sue added her voice to make Jim sound a lot better.
A pivotal time period for Jim was the Traverston Band era, reuniting Jim with highschool friend Oliver Schroer; their 1983 ‘Swingin’ the Night Away’ album marked the beginning of Oliver’s illustrious recording and production career.
Using a baseball analogy, Jim describes himself as a ‘utility infielder’ of music . . . he’s played on some great teams.
Bob Donnelly, Jim Ryan & P. J. Main
at The Queen's Bakery in Blyth